198097, St. Petersburg, Trefoleva str., 2, litera BZH, room 1-N, room. 66

Stainless steel fittings, piping and shut-off valves
Corkscrew (AISI 304, L:110)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 1/2"
  • L: 110
  • l1: 40
  • l: 9
90.00 ₽
Corkscrew (AISI 304, L:110)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 3/4"
  • L: 110
  • l1: 45
  • l: 10
143.00 ₽
Corkscrew (AISI 304, L:130)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 1"
  • L: 130
  • l1: 50
  • l: 11
204.00 ₽
Corkscrew (AISI 304, L:130)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 1-1/4"
  • L: 130
  • l1: 55
  • l: 13
219.00 ₽
Corkscrew (AISI 304, L:150)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 1-1/2"
  • L: 150
  • l1: 60
  • l: 15
367.00 ₽
Corkscrew (AISI 304, L:160)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 2"
  • L: 160
  • l1: 65
  • l: 17
357.00 ₽
Corkscrew (AISI 304, L:170)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 2-1/2"
  • L: 170
  • l1: 75
  • l: 19.5
765.00 ₽
Corkscrew (AISI 304, L:180)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 3"
  • L: 180
  • l1: 85
  • l: 22
826.00 ₽
Corkscrew (AISI 304, L:200)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 4"
  • L: 200
  • l1: 100
  • l: 25
On request
Corkscrew (AISI 316, L:110)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 1/2"
  • L: 110
  • l1: 40
  • l: 9
On request
Corkscrew (AISI 316, L:110)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 3/4"
  • L: 110
  • l1: 45
  • l: 10
551.00 ₽
Corkscrew (AISI 316, L:130)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 1"
  • L: 130
  • l1: 50
  • l: 11
255.00 ₽
Corkscrew (AISI 316, L:130)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 1-1/4"
  • L: 130
  • l1: 55
  • l: 13
255.00 ₽
Corkscrew (AISI 316, L:150)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 1-1/2"
  • L: 150
  • l1: 60
  • l: 15
On request
Corkscrew (AISI 316, L:160)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 2"
  • L: 160
  • l1: 65
  • l: 17
561.00 ₽
Corkscrew (AISI 316, L:170)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 2-1/2"
  • L: 170
  • l1: 75
  • l: 19.5
On request
Corkscrew (AISI 316, L:180)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 3"
  • L: 180
  • l1: 85
  • l: 22
On request
Corkscrew (AISI 316, L:200)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 4"
  • L: 200
  • l1: 100
  • l: 25
On request
Size 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4"
L 110 110 130 130 150 160 170 180 200
l1 40 45 50 55 60 65 75 85 100
l 9 10 11 13 15 17 19,5 22 25
Price 304 90 143 204 219 367 357 765 826 DOG
Price 316 DOG 551 255 255 DOG 561 DOG DOG DOG

Наша команда

Генеральный директор
Слобожанинов Игорь
Менеджер отдела продаж
Баранова Алёна
Менеджер отдела продаж
Полякова Людмила
Менеджер отдела продаж
Садовская Алла Анатольевна
Менеджер отдела продаж
Фасхутдинов Денис Олегович

Наш склад

Product material - stainless steel

AISI 304 (08X18H10), AISI 316 (03X17H12M2)

Standard - DIN 2999

Stainless steel threaded rod

Sgon - fitting for threaded connection in pipelines. It is a hollow cylinder with threads at both ends. The lengths of the threaded sections are not the same: on the one hand - 5 – 6 turns, on the other - 20 – 30 turns. Overclocking is intended:

  • for connecting adjacent sections of the pipeline, none of which can be rotated;
  • for connecting plumbing, heating, gas devices;
  • to create additional pipeline branches.

The connection using the overclocking is performed as follows. Its end with a short thread is screwed into threaded fittings (coupling, tee, tap, tap, valve) at the end of the connected section using sealing materials (sanitary linen, sealing paste). A lock nut and a coupling are screwed onto the end of the long-threaded fold, the free space is wrapped in linen and coated with sealing paste. This end is joined to the pipe to be connected, the coupling on the fold is screwed until it captures the pipe. A lock nut is screwed to the coupling, leaving a distance of 2 - 3 cm. This gap is wrapped with linen, the lock nut is pressed to the coupling, creating a strong connection. It provides simplicity and cost-effectiveness of repair and replacement of pipeline elements in comparison with cutting out a section of pipe with subsequent welding. For a pipeline operating in corrosive environments, for example, laid in the ground, or requiring compliance with strict sanitary standards (household water supply), it is necessary to use a threaded stainless steel bend. Its anticorrosive properties and strength characteristics ensure high reliability and durability of the pipeline. The stainless steel run-off will last several times longer than ordinary steel or galvanized. 

ALFA-STAR company offers this common type of fittings in the range of sizes "frac12" - 4" and lengths from 110 to 200 mm according to DIN 2999 standard. The material of manufacture is AISI 304 steel (analog 08X18H10) and AISI 316 (03X17H12M2). Stainless steel AISI 316 has increased anti-corrosion and strength characteristics and can work in acidic and alkaline environments, including seawater.

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  1. Позвонить в офис по одному из указанных в контактах номеров телефона и попросить составить счет на интересующие вас позиции из каталога компании. Отдел продаж работает ежедневно с 9.00 до 18.00.
  2. Отправить запрос в виде электронного письма по адресу alfa-stars@yandex.ru.

Опытные сотрудники отдела продаж стараются максимально быстро реагировать на телефонные звонки и в кратчайшие сроки обрабатывать поступающие заявки. Мы ценим каждого клиента, поэтому стараемся учитывать все пожелания заказчиков. При необходимости уточнить какую-либо информацию по заявке мы обязательно свяжемся с вами.

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Возврат осуществляется по согласованию с менеджером, заявка рассматривается в течение 3 рабочих дней.


We are a manufacturer of our products, so the cost of goods depends only on the market value of the steel grade, you can get the best prices for standard and non-standard products from us.

We carry out orders for the manufacture of non-standard stainless steel products of any complexity, with the latest works you can read here

Delivery and payment:

We provide free delivery to the terminals of transport companies in St. Petersburg, or delivery to St. Petersburg at the address, so that you can receive the goods as conveniently as possible for yourself. Payment is made by bank transfer.

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