198097, St. Petersburg, Trefoleva str., 2, litera BZH, room 1-N, room. 66

Fitting herringbone threaded

Stainless steel fittings, piping and shut-off valves
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 304, A:3)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 1/8"
  • A: 3
  • B: 6
  • L1: 10
100.00 ₽
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 304, A:4)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 1/4"
  • A: 4
  • B: 8
  • L1: 11.5
100.00 ₽
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 304, A:5)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 3/8"
  • A: 5
  • B: 10
  • L1: 13
163.00 ₽
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 304, A:7)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 1/2"
  • A: 7
  • B: 13
  • L1: 15
194.00 ₽
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 304, A:15)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 3/4"
  • A: 15
  • B: 20
  • L1: 15.5
311.00 ₽
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 304, A:19.5 )
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 1"
  • A: 19.5
  • B: 25
  • L1: 19
280.00 ₽
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 304, A:26.5 )
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 1-1/4"
  • A: 26.5
  • B: 32
  • L1: 22
385.00 ₽
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 304, A:33.5 )
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 1-1/2"
  • A: 33.5
  • B: 40
  • L1: 22
610.00 ₽
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 304, A:44)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 2"
  • A: 44
  • B: 51.5
  • L1: 22.5
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 304, A:54)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 2-1/2"
  • A: 54
  • B: 63.5
  • L1: 29.5
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 304, A:68)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 3"
  • A: 68
  • B: 76.5
  • L1: 27
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 304, A:91)
  • Material: AISI304
  • Size: 4"
  • A: 91
  • B: 102
  • L1: 30.5
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 316, A:3)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 1/8"
  • A: 3
  • B: 6
  • L1: 10
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 316, A:4)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 1/4"
  • A: 4
  • B: 8
  • L1: 11.5
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 316, A:5)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 3/8"
  • A: 5
  • B: 10
  • L1: 13
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 316, A:7)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 1/2"
  • A: 7
  • B: 13
  • L1: 15
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 316, A:15)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 3/4"
  • A: 15
  • B: 20
  • L1: 15.5
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 316, A:19.5 )
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 1"
  • A: 19.5
  • B: 25
  • L1: 19
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 316, A:26.5 )
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 1-1/4"
  • A: 26.5
  • B: 32
  • L1: 22
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 316, A:33.5 )
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 1-1/2"
  • A: 33.5
  • B: 40
  • L1: 22
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 316, A:44)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 2"
  • A: 44
  • B: 51.5
  • L1: 22.5
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 316, A:54)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 2-1/2"
  • A: 54
  • B: 63.5
  • L1: 29.5
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 316, A:68)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 3"
  • A: 68
  • B: 76.5
  • L1: 27
On request
Threaded herringbone fitting (AISI 316, A:91)
  • Material: AISI316
  • Size: 4"
  • A: 91
  • B: 102
  • L1: 30.5
On request
Size 1/8" 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4"
A 3 4 5 7 15 19,5 26,5 33,5 44 54 68 91
B 6 8 10 13 20 25 32 40 51,5 63,5 76,5 102
L1 10 11,5 13 15 15,5 19 22 22 22,5 29,5 27 30,5
L2 19 25 29,5 33 34 39 37 47,5 53,5 65 68 74
L 34 43 49 56,5 60 69 70 80 88 108 110 120
S 12,5 15 19 23 28 37 45 50 62 79 91,5 117
Price 304 100 100 163 194 311 280 385 610 DOG DOG DOG DOG

Наша команда

Генеральный директор
Слобожанинов Игорь
Менеджер отдела продаж
Баранова Алёна
Менеджер отдела продаж
Полякова Людмила
Менеджер отдела продаж
Садовская Алла Анатольевна
Менеджер отдела продаж
Фасхутдинов Денис Олегович

Наш склад

Product material - stainless steel

AISI 304 (08X18H10), AISI 316 (03X17H12M2)

Standard - DIN 2999

Threaded herringbone fitting

Threaded fitting – connecting element, adapter, with thread at one end. On the second there is a special tip, which is called a herringbone. The thread can be internal or external, such a feature of the connecting transition part should be paid attention to when choosing.

Features of the fitting design and its application

Most often, you need to buy a threaded fitting to connect pneumatic hoses with other parts of the pneumatic line, for example, with a compressor. Various parts can be used to manufacture such a sought-after fitting, but stainless steel fittings have the most advantages. They are reliable, have a long service life, and are suitable for various working environments.

Specialists working with pipelines, equipment, such fittings are sometimes called herringbone adapters, but such a designation as a threaded adapter, a threaded herringbone can also be used.

When choosing a threaded stainless fitting, you need to adhere to the following requirements. Sufficient throughput is required, complete tightness of the connection. The connection point of the hose and the equipment, where the threaded fitting is installed, must pass the required volume of the working flow. It is also important that the connection is as reliable, durable and safe as possible, withstands pressure loads.

Fittings may differ in the diameter of the cross-section of the tips, the location of the thread (it can be external, internal). The diameter of the section is taken into account when choosing, since it determines which hose the fitting fits to which pnematic equipment. Before buying this fitting, you should specify the dimensions and other technical characteristics.

The catalog of our company "ALFA-STAR" presents a fitting with an external thread, which will always be in demand for a reliable and safe connection of the hose and equipment. The product is available with several size options. Fittings meet all quality criteria.

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We are a manufacturer of our products, so the cost of goods depends only on the market value of the steel grade, you can get the best prices for standard and non-standard products from us.

We carry out orders for the manufacture of non-standard stainless steel products of any complexity, with the latest works you can read here

Delivery and payment:

We provide free delivery to the terminals of transport companies in St. Petersburg, or delivery to St. Petersburg at the address, so that you can receive the goods as conveniently as possible for yourself. Payment is made by bank transfer.

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