198097, St. Petersburg, Trefoleva str., 2, litera BZH, room 1-N, room. 66


Stainless steel fittings, piping and shut-off valves
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 304, D:150)
  • Material: AISI304
  • DN: 40
  • D: 150
  • D vn: 48
  • b: 16
1,026.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 304, D:165)
  • Material: AISI304
  • DN: 50
  • D: 165
  • D vn: 58
  • b: 16
1,242.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 304, D:185)
  • Material: AISI304
  • DN: 65
  • D: 185
  • D vn: 73
  • b: 16
1,512.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 304, D:200)
  • Material: AISI304
  • DN: 80
  • D: 200
  • D vn: 90
  • b: 18
1,836.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 304, D:220)
  • Material: AISI304
  • DN: 100
  • D: 220
  • D vn: 110
  • b: 18
2,106.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 304, D:250)
  • Material: AISI304
  • DN: 125
  • D: 250
  • D vn: 135
  • b: 18
2,592.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 304, D:285)
  • Material: AISI304
  • DN: 150
  • D: 285
  • D vn: 160
  • b: 18
3,240.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 304, D:340)
  • Material: AISI304
  • DN: 200
  • D: 340
  • D vn: 212
  • b: 20
4,806.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 304, D:395)
  • Material: AISI304
  • DN: 250
  • D: 395
  • D vn: 262
  • b: 22
5,562.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 304, D:445)
  • Material: AISI304
  • DN: 300
  • D: 445
  • D vn: 312
  • b: 22
7,706.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 304, D:505)
  • Material: AISI304
  • DN: 350
  • D: 505
  • D vn: 362
  • b: 22
9,990.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 304, D:565)
  • Material: AISI304
  • DN: 400
  • D: 565
  • D vn: 413
  • b: 25
13,500.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 316, D:150)
  • Material: AISI316
  • DN: 40
  • D: 150
  • D vn: 48
  • b: 16
1,334.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 316, D:165)
  • Material: AISI316
  • DN: 50
  • D: 165
  • D vn: 58
  • b: 16
1,615.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 316, D:185)
  • Material: AISI316
  • DN: 65
  • D: 185
  • D vn: 73
  • b: 16
1,966.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 316, D:200)
  • Material: AISI316
  • DN: 80
  • D: 200
  • D vn: 90
  • b: 18
2,387.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 316, D:220)
  • Material: AISI316
  • DN: 100
  • D: 220
  • D vn: 110
  • b: 18
2,738.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 316, D:250)
  • Material: AISI316
  • DN: 125
  • D: 250
  • D vn: 135
  • b: 18
3,370.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 316, D:285)
  • Material: AISI316
  • DN: 150
  • D: 285
  • D vn: 160
  • b: 18
4,212.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 316, D:340)
  • Material: AISI316
  • DN: 200
  • D: 340
  • D vn: 212
  • b: 20
6,248.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 316, D:395)
  • Material: AISI316
  • DN: 250
  • D: 395
  • D vn: 262
  • b: 22
7,231.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 316, D:445)
  • Material: AISI316
  • DN: 300
  • D: 445
  • D vn: 312
  • b: 22
10,018.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 316, D:505)
  • Material: AISI316
  • DN: 350
  • D: 505
  • D vn: 362
  • b: 22
12,987.00 ₽
FLANGE FREE DIN 2642 (AISI 316, D:565)
  • Material: AISI316
  • DN: 400
  • D: 565
  • D vn: 413
  • b: 25
17,550.00 ₽
DN D, mm D hh, mm b, mm number of rel Ø rel, mm c, mm Weight, kg Price, 304 price, 316
40 150 48 16 4 18 110 0,62 1026 1334
50 165 58 16 4 18 125 0,75 1242 1615
65 185 73 16 4 18 145 0,9 1512 1966
80 200 90 18 8 18 160 1,1 1836 2387
100 220 110 18 8 18 180 1,23 2106 2738
125 250 135 18 8 18 210 1,53 2592 3370
150 285 160 18 8 22 240 1,88 3240 4212
200 340 212 20 8 22 295 2,7 4806 6248
250 395 262 22 12 22 350 3,65 5562 7231
300 445 312 22 12 22 400 4,27 7706 10018
350 505 362 22 16 22 460 5,2 9990 12987
400 565 413 25 16 25 515 7,17 13500 17550

Наша команда

Генеральный директор
Слобожанинов Игорь
Менеджер отдела продаж
Баранова Алёна
Менеджер отдела продаж
Полякова Людмила
Менеджер отдела продаж
Садовская Алла Анатольевна
Менеджер отдела продаж
Фасхутдинов Денис Олегович

Наш склад

Product material - stainless steel

AISI 304 (08X18H10), AISI 316 (03X17H12M2)

Free flat stainless flange

The free stainless steel flange according to GOST 12820-80 is a round flat part. The products are widely used in industrial production and all spheres of the national economy for connecting pipes, capacitive, pumping equipment, shut-off and control valves into a single system.

Details Features

According to the requirements of the State Standard, the dimensions of the stainless steel flange correspond to the dimensions of the pipes and parts of the equipment with which the connection is carried out. Acid-resistant steel grade 12X18N10T is used for the manufacture of these products.

Working characteristics of the part:

  • pressure - from 0.1 MPa to 2.5 MPa;
  • temperature - from -60°C to +600°C.

Depending on the application of the flange connection, a sealing surface corresponding to GOST 12815-80 is manufactured during the production process.

Main advantages

  • The demand for a free flange is provided by a number of advantages.
  • The flange connection is resistant to temperature changes.
  • The products are easily mounted and replaced without stopping the operation of the entire pipeline.
  • When installing fittings, it is not necessary to completely dismantle and disassemble all pipes.
  • Stainless steel flanges are resistant to moisture, chemicals and aggressive environments.
  • The parts withstand the high pressure of pipeline systems.

In compliance with the installation technology, flanged products will provide a strong and reliable fastening and increase the service life of the entire connecting system. Stainless steel flanges are widely used in pipelines of private farms, pipeline systems of housing and communal services, food, chemical, oil refining, metallurgical industry.

The company "ALFA-STAR" implements freestainless steel flanges that meet the State Standard. Choosing a suitable option, in accordance with the conditions of the upcoming operation, will not be difficult. The technical characteristics and parameters of the offered products are indicated on the website. 

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  1. Позвонить в офис по одному из указанных в контактах номеров телефона и попросить составить счет на интересующие вас позиции из каталога компании. Отдел продаж работает ежедневно с 9.00 до 18.00.
  2. Отправить запрос в виде электронного письма по адресу alfa-stars@yandex.ru.

Опытные сотрудники отдела продаж стараются максимально быстро реагировать на телефонные звонки и в кратчайшие сроки обрабатывать поступающие заявки. Мы ценим каждого клиента, поэтому стараемся учитывать все пожелания заказчиков. При необходимости уточнить какую-либо информацию по заявке мы обязательно свяжемся с вами.

Вся продукция и швы полностью соответствуют всем установленным гостам и ТУ.

Возврат осуществляется по согласованию с менеджером, заявка рассматривается в течение 3 рабочих дней.


We are a manufacturer of our products, so the cost of goods depends only on the market value of the steel grade, you can get the best prices for standard and non-standard products from us.

We carry out orders for the manufacture of non-standard stainless steel products of any complexity, with the latest works you can read here

Delivery and payment:

We provide free delivery to the terminals of transport companies in St. Petersburg, or delivery to St. Petersburg at the address, so that you can receive the goods as conveniently as possible for yourself. Payment is made by bank transfer.

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