198097, St. Petersburg, Trefoleva str., 2, litera BZH, room 1-N, room. 66

Stainless steel corners

Stainless steel fittings, piping and shut-off valves

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Наш склад

Stainless steel corner as the basis of modern construction

The stainless steel corner is produced in strict accordance with GOST 8509-93 for equal-sex products and 8510-86 for non-equal-sex products. Alloys resistant to corrosion and temperature changes are used for its manufacture.

Features of production and classification

The current regulations determine the production of several types of stainless corners for different needs. Differences in technical characteristics relate to metric parameters, production method.

  1. For the production of products, methods of cold bending of workpieces, hot rolling are used.
  2. The corners differ in appearance. Their faces can be the same or different (L-shaped variants are referred to as unequal), the surface is described as polished, matte or mirrored.
  3. The accuracy of compliance with the parameters required by the standards can be standard or increased.
  4. The length of the rolled product can be dimensional, multiple dimensional, non-dimensional. Most often it is equal to 4.5 m.

The material used for the manufacture of stainless steel corner determines the price, properties of the product. In practice, the main emphasis is placed on the ability of rolled metal to successfully withstand adverse weather conditions, therefore, the following steel grades are used for its production:

  • popular 12X18N10T and 08X18N10T;
  • heat-resistant 23X23H18;
  • 10X17H13MDT with a high nickel content;
  • 15X25T for temperatures not lower than –20 °C in the absence of shock loads on the structure.

The thickness of the rolled product is 1.5-10 mm. Hot-rolled versions are much thicker and stronger than those produced using a roll forming machine.


90-degree curved strips have become the most widespread in the construction field. They do not rot in the conditions of pits, they help to significantly strengthen foundations and other structures. In the oil industry, rolled products are used to strengthen rigs.


You can buy a stainless steel corner in St. Petersburg by contacting ALFA-STAR by contact phone numbers +7(812) 457-05-59, +7 (812) 244-21-41, +7 (812) 244-21-42. In the warehouses of the company there are all the required standard sizes, the goods are delivered marked, the necessary certificates are available.

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