198097, St. Petersburg, Trefoleva str., 2, litera BZH, room 1-N, room. 66

Stainless steel shut-off valves

Stainless steel fittings, piping and shut-off valves

Наша команда

Генеральный директор
Слобожанинов Игорь
Менеджер отдела продаж
Баранова Алёна
Менеджер отдела продаж
Полякова Людмила
Менеджер отдела продаж
Садовская Алла Анатольевна
Менеджер отдела продаж
Фасхутдинов Денис Олегович
Менеджер отдела продаж
Толубеев Вадим Константинович

Наш склад

Stainless steel shut-off valves in the assortment of ALFA-STAR

Stainless steel shut-off valves – products installed on pipelines to regulate the flow of liquids, gases, suspensions. The stability and safety of pipeline systems directly depend on the reliability of these products.

Pipelines, industrial production, technical facilities for household purposes cannot do without such elements. ALFA-STAR offers the following types of products:

  • ball valves - threaded, flanged, coupling, welded;
  • check valves;
  • filters - threaded, flanged;
  • disc locks;
  • latches.

The products offered by the company have a number of advantages:

  • Versatility, the possibility of installation in domestic water pipes, gas pipelines, engineering systems for other purposes.
  • Long service life without replacement.
  • Resistance to aggressive environments and extreme temperatures.
  • Reliability and safety during operation.
  • Compactness and ease of attachment in pipeline systems.

Our company sells stainless shut-off valves made of different grades of steel. The products are suitable for use in the food, pharmaceutical, chemical industry, utility utilities. The technical description of the offered products will help you make the right choice. To buy stainless steel shut-off valves in our company, order a callback, make a request through the feedback form or call our office by phone +7 (812) 457-05-59, +7 (812) 244-21-41, +7 (812) 244-21-42.

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