198097, St. Petersburg, Trefoleva str., 2, litera BZH, room 1-N, room. 66

Stainless steel gate valves

Stainless steel fittings, piping and shut-off valves

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Слобожанинов Игорь
Менеджер отдела продаж
Баранова Алёна
Менеджер отдела продаж
Полякова Людмила
Менеджер отдела продаж
Садовская Алла Анатольевна
Менеджер отдела продаж
Фасхутдинов Денис Олегович
Менеджер отдела продаж
Толубеев Вадим Константинович

Наш склад

Stainless steel gate valves

A gate valve is a type of shut-off valve designed to block the working flow in pipelines. The designs of the valves are diverse, but they all work on the same principle: the translational movement of the gate is perpendicular to the flow until it is completely blocked. As a rule, the valve has two positions - open/closed and is not intended for regulating the flow rate. These devices can be used on pipelines of both horizontal and vertical directions.

Stainless steel gate valves are a particularly durable type of shut-off valves. They have increased strength to mechanical loads, high corrosion resistance, environmental friendliness, the ability to work at high and low temperatures and their differences. They are installed on pipelines for transporting water, steam, gases, petroleum products and other media, including aggressive ones.

Our company supplies stainless steel gate valves of AISI 304 and AISI 316 grades. The high strength and anti-corrosion qualities of these materials allow the devices to be used in pipelines operating in a variety of conditions, including heavy ones.

The stainless steel gate valve we offer has a simple and reliable design and has the widest application in industry and everyday life. It works according to the principle of operation of the furnace flap. The gate design has properties that distinguish it from other types of gate valves:

  • the ability to regulate the flow of the medium;
  • the possibility of using not only liquid and gaseous, but also bulk media for transportation.

The price of this simple and reliable product is quite low, and its high operational qualities will ensure long-term trouble-free operation. If you decide to buy a stainless steel gate valve from us, you will make the right choice.

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